08 October 2012

Post-brew/post-weekend followup

After starting early with the assistance of a brew-virgin, the IPA brewing was finished by 1pm on Saturday, but the heat and the hangover were a little more than I was willing to handle to brew the Presidents beer, so he'll have to wait a few days.

The Dead Ringer, which I have yet to give a proper name, was a fairly simple recipe that I was surprised to find has only one type of hops.  Makes it not too complicated but also not too complex.
   60mins - 0.75oz Cascade Style
   20mins - 1oz Cascade Style
     5mins - 2oz Cascade Style
   Dry Hop in Secondary - 1oz Cascade Style

The grain bill was equally simple with 11# Rahr 2 row and 1# Breiss Caramel 40.  I might play with that in the future to get a bit more sweetness and color, but for this time it seemed ok.  I mashed for 60 mins, at 152-155F depending on the fluctuation in temp, stirring nearly every 10 with my new mash paddle, which I love.  I'm going to have to figure out a way to keep my temp more regular during this process, as I think I am losing efficiency there. At the end I sparged with 2.5gallons of 170F water and started the boil.

It perfectly came out to 5+ gallons after the boil and the chilling process, but I did forget to add the BreakBrite again.  I hope that isn't a problem.  Hasn't seemed to be in the past. I am excited to see what it comes out like!

Now.... Just need to come up with names and art ideas ...

Here is my most recent labelling attempt. It's already on bottles and waiting to be drunk!


Now here is why I did not brew on Sunday... There was already too much awesome in the day!

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