It is about time to leave Canada, and also time to bottle the RIS so that it will be ready when I come back in July for the Calgary Stampede. I was really happy with this batch because the sweetness was amazing, the alcohol was not overbearing, and the anise was powerful. However, we shall see as carbonation and age take advantage of this little beauty. More taste notes will be added when I return...
We also tried to fix the mash tun, and I think I did that by forcing the small plastic inner hosing (inside the braided steel) over the barb. I would have preferred a smaller barb or a larger hose/braided steel, but neither was really available at the local Home Depot in Calgary. However, it works!!!
Now I will head to some new places and start brewing with people in those locations. But in all honesty, I won't be there long enough to really enjoy them. Keep reading over the next two months as I go to Colorado, the UK, Romania and more to start looking into various things about homebrewers, local bars, and other things I am interested in during a big trip!
For now, a Stegosaurus in a top hat says:
< Stay calm and make beer! >
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