So, for starters, I am not always good at posting. My other blog(s) will show that. I'm going to try because it will also be my homebrewers journal. In November 2010 my mate Marc and I decided to start homebrewing. We knew a few people who did it, and I myself had started when I was very young assisting my father's homebrewing hobby. So we did some Google searches, went to ye olde local homebrew shoppe DeFalco's here in Houston, and picked up the first kit and recipe. A Brew Pail, a 5gal plastic water jug, a lid, a stopper, an airlock, a capper, some caps, some tubing and a racking cane, some iodophor, extract, yeast and 'BruVigor.' Within a month we had a decent Bock. Back-analia.A little low in alcohol and a little missing in staunchness, but nonetheless good for Christmas gifts! I mean hell, we made it ourselves.
In the last year and a half, that little experiment has transformed to a fairly exciting closet full of equipment and many different tasting beers. As well as a few repeats! In any case, I expect to start posting recipes, photos, tips and questions about what I am doing down here in Houston. If I am lucky, maybe a few people will look/read and maybe even give input!
For now, you are left with this parting image:
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